· Basically, fraternal twins are as alike as siblings would be — in other words, they are not identical Fraternal twins might be two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl Each baby develops in his or her own placenta · Generally, identical twins can only be the same gender However, rare cases, such as sesquizygotic (semiidentical) twinning may cause identical twins to be a boy and a girl · Twins of different genders are universally accepted as a sound basis for a clinical determination that boy and girl twins are not identical However, in extremely rare cases, boy and girl twins can stem from the same fertilized egg Twins, who stem from the same fertilized egg, are called monozygotic twins
Can twins that are boy and girl be identical
Can twins that are boy and girl be identical- · Its not possible Because being different genders makes them unidentical Identical twins occur with the splitting of 1 egg So if the egg that was fertilized was fertilized with a "Y" chromosome they will be a boy, or an "X" chromosome will be a girl If they egg splits, it can't change chromosomes once its fertilized · A twin boy and girl may be identical, according to a study found on NCBI, although this situation is very rare Usually identical twins share the same gender they are either a pair or boys or girls In rare instances, however, identical twins form from an egg and sperm that begin as males (sharing XY chromosomes) then change to become a male and female pair

For Boy Girl Twins The Girl Is Less Successful In Adulthood Vanguard News
· Young Queensland twins, a boy and a girl, have been identified as only the second set of semiidentical twins in the world – and the first to be identified by doctors during pregnancyIt would just require constant observation during conception to confirm The theory states that polar body twins form when an egg drops and · When your twins are a boy and girl pair, the answer is easy, but people don't always realize it Many think that being identical twins refers to how twins look and not how they form Take a look at the biology that determines the sex combinations that are possible with identical and fraternal twins
· It's fascinating to find out boy and girl monozygotic twins are possible, although extremely rare This only happens when one of the embryos starts as a male zygote, and then develops a chromosomal condition called Turner Syndrome #8 Identical twins ultrasound Most people can determine twins are identical based on how alike they look · The boy and the girl, now four, from Brisbane, in Australia, are identical on their mother's side But they share only a proportion of their father's DNA · Later in the pregnancy, however, the woman's doctors were surprised to see that the twins were a boy and a girl Because identical twins share all of their genes, they can't be of opposite sexes
· DOCTORS say they have discovered the world's second known case of semiidentical twins born from one egg and two sperm The now fouryearold boy and girl, from Brisbane, Australia, are identical · I am an identical twin (and 31 years old), and just found this out about a month ago I was watching a show on the Discovery Health channel that talked about multiples, and how doctors are using the term "monozygotic" rather than "identical" now, because an egg can split and become one boy and one girl! · "Certainly if you dress the girl as a boy, or the boy as a girl, you would think they were identical twins "They're very cute and they're doing very well" So could there be others?

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Twin Pregnancy Types Fraternal Identical
· 1719 #14 Natgar wrote » Identical twins can be opposite sex if the embryos started male but one twin drops a y chromosme and has Turner's Syndrome as with no "Y" chromosome, that twin becomes a girl with a single chromosome There have been about 5documented cases,so very rareThe majority of the twins are going to be fraternal twin's, which means that there were two eggs that were fertilized This is different from identical twins, where one egg was able to separate into two eggs in order to become two distinct lives Fraternal twins can be of either gender and they can be a combination of boys and girls · Among nontwin births, males are slightly (about five percent) more common than females In the US, 105 nontwin males are born for each 100 nontwin females However, males are slightly more likely than females to die in the womb And because the death rate in the womb is higher for twins than for singleton births, female twins are more common

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Can male/female twins ever be identical? · So no, your boy/girl twins are not identical There is an extremely rare case that can happen where the zygote splits to form identical twins but one of the pair doesn't get both sex chromosomes Thus you'd have one girl with Turner Syndrome, a genetic disorder where she has just one X chromosome · There are the ones already mentioned and you can also get polar body twins which are half identical so share 75% of their DNA Basically the egg splits before it's fertilised and then is fertilised by 2 different sperm So the twins share 100% from their mum and 50% from their dad Their is a lady on the AAM board that has MCDA boy/girl twins

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Check out this link · Boy/Girl Monozygotic (Identical) Twins Identical twins are always the same gender because they form from a single zygote that contains either male (XY) or female (XX) sex chromosome In the past, there have been a few reported cases of a genetic mutation in some male twins where one twin loses a Y chromosome and develops as a female · But what happens if you bring up someone who was a boy as a girl?

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· Boy/girl monozygotic (identical) twins In very rare cases, identical twins can be different sexes These twins begin as identical male twins Like all males, they both have XY sex chromosomes, · Doctors in Australia say they have identified a second case of twins apparently created from one egg and two sperm, a boygirl combination in whom the mother's DNA is identical in both babies but · Fraternal twins can either be two boys, two girls, or a boy and girl They may or may not look a lot alike That's because, unlike identical twins, they don't share the exact same DNA

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· Depending on when your twins were born, their development will vary For example, if your twins are born prematurely as compared to the average 36 to 38 weeks of the twin pregnancy, they may have more complications There are several common developmental delays in twins These include physical development, speech, social, and cognitive abilities · 6 Polar Body Twins Also known as halfidentical twins, polar body twins are a theoretical form of twins that have never actually been documented by science 5 However, there really is nothing preventing this from occurring;In cases like this, some might argue that perhaps both twins are actually gay, but one just hasn't come out yet In other words, maybe there isn't a true discrepancy This idea has been refuted scientifically, though

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2) Baby A is a girl · There is a genetic mutation that can occur in male identical twins before they're born which results in one of the twins losing a male chromosome and developing as a female However, even as an identical twin (male), I agree that it is stupid to ask boy/girl twins this question because of how rare it is for that genetic mutation to occur · If they are fraternal there is an equal chance of having a same sex pair as having an opposite sex pair, and if they are same sex there's an equal chance of having two girls or two boys So that means that for fraternal twins there is a 25% chance of two boys, 25% chance of two girls, and 50% chance of a boy and a girl

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10 Facts About Fraternal Twins That You Probably Didn T Know
· There is no evidence or plausible mechanism for a hereditary nature of the conception of identical twinsThe chance of having identical twins is 1 in 250, whether you come from a family of twins or not Interestingly, however, there are some families with a much higher than normal rate of identical twins, indicating that there may be some familial factor that influencesIn 999% of cases boy/girl twins are nonidentical However, in some extremely rare cases resulting from a genetic mutation, identical twins from an egg and sperm which began as male (XY) can develop into a male / female pair · When most people think of twins, they think of two people who look completely identical to each other in every way And when those twins are kids, many of their parents dress them alike, much to

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Girls Vs Boys Twin Pregnancy Outcomes
· 4 Timing is everything Identical twins are the result of one egg splitting postfertilization, but the timing of the split determines if the twins will each have their own sacs and placentas (split on day 13, called di/di twins), share a placenta (split on day 48, called mo/di twins), share an amniotic sac and placenta (split on day 813, called mo/mo twins) or beUsually not Because if so, they would have different sex chromosomes (one will have XX and the other XY) Identical twins develop from a single zygote that later splits in two They have the same genes and usually look very similar They are alwa · For identical twins As identical twins grow from a single fertilized egg that later split to form two zygotes with the same genetic material, the gender of both the babies will be the same That means they can either be both females or both males Let us look at each scenario in detail

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· Marilyn responds You are (We're assuming fraternal twins Identical twins are always the same sex) These are the possibilities 1) Baby A is a boy, and Baby B is a boy; · The boy twins had a lower mean birth weight and a lower growth rate The girl twins had fewer problems with their brains and lungs The risk of an early delivery (before 31 weeks) was highest in the male–male twins · When we first found out about the twins they thought they were sharing 1 sac, which categorized them as monoamniotic twins Research for "MoMo" twins shows that they are always identical and 75% are girls Luckily they are not sharing 1 sac, there is 1 membrane separating them, but they are 90% sure they are identical Report

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· Yes, despite what some people choose to believe, identical twins are always either two boys or two girls Even if you have a boy and a girl and they look identical to you, they will still be fraternal (nonidentical)No Identical twins originate from a single fertilized egg splitting during the very early stages of development so that it produces two embryos They are effectively simultaneous natural clones of each other, differing from each other only due toThere was a case just like this in the 1960s, a case which ended in tragedy Twins Bruce and Brian Reimer were born in

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· Identical twins are the same sex as each other and look very alike Nonidentical, or fraternal, twins This type of pregnancy occurs when there · George and Amal Clooney are now the parents of twins Amal Clooney gave birth to a boy and a girl today (June 6), People magazine reported Amal Clooney, age 39, and the fraternal twins · Usually, the chances of fraternal twins being boys, girls, or a combination of both are the same as for any normal babies Identical twins (Monozygotic), on the other hand, are always of the same gender Fraternal twins can be two boys, two girls or one girl and one boy

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Several years ago, an expecting mother was carrying identical twins a rare and joyous occasion, but known to happen from time to time At her 14 week scan, something more remarkable was discovered one of the identical twins was a boy, and the other a girlBy Anonymous Actually, there can be identical boy/girl twins if the sex gene of the embryo has an extra x chromosome (the fertilized egg would be an xxy) then when the egg splits one can have xx (girl) genes and one can have xy (boy) genes Rare but possible Oct 06, 10 Only 4 ever recorded cases · Rare new kind of twins boy and girl are semiidentical Doctors in Australia have identified twins apparently created from one egg and two sperm, a boy and a girl, the second time such twins have

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Doctors Identify World S Second Case Of Semi Identical Twins
Approximately 70 percent of all conjoined twins are girls Although more male twins conjoin in the womb than female twins, females are three times as likely to be born alive Conjoined twins are genetically identical and are, therefore, always the same sex · Identical twins sometimes have different orientations For example, one may be straight while the other is gay So why is that?Opposite Sex Identical Twins Identical Twins will almost always be of the same sex There have been 3 5 documented cases of opposite sex identical twins This can happen in a set of identical boys, when one twin "drops" or "looses" a "Y" chromosome, resulting in a single chromosome, or an "XO" chromosome

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